Dr. Angelos Chryssogelos
Reader (Associate Professor) in Politics and International Relations
London Metropolitan University


Hello and welcome to my website! 

I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in Politics and International Relations in the School of Social Sciences and Professions of London Metropolitan University. My area of specialisation is international relations and foreign policy analysis, with a particular interest in how ideologies and party competition influence and interact with processes at the international level. 

My work has been published in academic journals like International Affairs, International Studies Review, European Union Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, Journal of European Integration etc. I am the author of a monograph, Party Systems and Foreign Policy Change in Liberal Democracies (Routledge, 2021), where I examine how changes in the structure of party systems bring about foreign policy change. A full list of my publications can be found here.

I am one of the first scholars to consistently analyze the international dimensions of populism - how it both brings about and is caused by international change - and for the last 10 years I am a leading voice in a thriving research programme studying populism, IR and foreign policy. Currently (fall 2024) I am co-editing a collective volume on populist ideology and its consequences and a handbook on populism and foreign policy, both forthcoming with Routledge. 

I pursue two new research projects. First, I develop a new typology that maps more accurately the dynamics of ideological contestation of the international order and its implications for world politics. Second, I examine the international sources and implications of the global transformation of right-wing politics. In both projects I take a decidedly global perspective, bridging insights from the Global North and Global South. Latest publications from my new research can be found here and here.

Before joining London Met I held positions at LSE, King's College London, the Weatherhead Center at Harvard, and SAIS Johns Hopkins. In 2020-21 I was Jean Monnet Fellow at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University Institute, where I also got my PhD in 2012. Before Florence I was educated in Athens and Leiden.

Apart from my academic work, I conduct policy research on European politics, EU foreign policy, populism and the crisis of democracy. Between 2015-21 I was Associate Fellow of the Europe Programme of Chatham House. I am a Research Associate at the Martens Centre, where I also host the video series 'Bridge the Channel', commenting on EU-UK relations.  

I am the head of the Hellenic Conservative Policy Institute, a think tank created to study, understand and disseminate conservative political thought in Greece. The institute publishes books, organizes talks and engages in public debates. You can find more about INSPOL here.

I often write op-eds and offer commentary to international media, and I am an international affairs columnist for a number of major Greek newspapers. I am happy to answer media requests.